At work, there were a few smaller parts that they were having trouble welding. Since i had been practicing I decided to see if I could weld together these extrusions. I wanted to challenge myself and could see that whatever practice or research I needed to do would result in trying to make quite a few different shapes by welding this particular piece. Winter was coming up, I knew a snowflake could be made out of this part, and a snowflake is only straight lines so no curves were needed.
I started by sketching out 2 different designs. I wanted to choose the flats design because I was afraid to weld the corners design. The corners design means id have to weld 3 edges together. However, I thought the corners design looked better so that’s what I ultimately chose.
Before i could start cutting parts and welding, i would need to figure out how long to make each part. Since the Lights I planned on putting inside came in 2″ increments, i know i would have to cut each part in the same 2″ increments.
such a quick and dirty sketch, “=equal” constraints would have been cleaner than the Σdimensions
I welded the central hex together first. I blew out a couple corners but everything held plenty fine and the lens still fit and completely covered my gap.Fitting up the dendrites was a little tricky because I did not have a tool called a “pipe notcher”. This means i would have to weld a flat edge to a cylindrical edge I’m happy about this because I got to now try welding across a gap. I was able to weld each joint…..They weren’t pretty, but they held. I used a Dremel with sanding wheel to try and hide some of the ugly. I had the center hex welded and all the dendrites welded. I snapped the lenses in to see how the piece would look. I end of the dendrites straddle the corner of the hex nicely, which may make this easier to weld than I thought.Welding the flat cut end of the dendrites to the corners of the central hex was something I thought would be very challenging, but turned out to be much easier. Again, they weren’t pretty at all, but they held more than fine.Final piece welded and sandedI knew that the wiring would be easier if i could remove of of the walls of the extrusion. Unfortunately there was no clean way to do this. I had to just butcher the walls off with a Dremel. To continue the theme of ugly, here are some closeups of the soldering and wiring.Powering it up and seeing that is coming together and going to look great was a boost I needed to keep workingI probably should have done this before installing the LEDs but I decided to mask, and spray paint the outside of the extrusion white.When I was done taking my photos and showing my friends, I gave the snowflake to Dragana, the HR lady at work. I knew she would love it and display it for the office to add some winter flair. She set up this beautiful display with the holiday cards the company received.
Ask me any questions you may have or share what you want to see next!