
At work, there were a few smaller parts that they were having trouble welding. Since i had been practicing I decided to see if I could weld together these extrusions. I wanted to challenge myself and could see that whatever practice or research I needed to do would result in trying to make quite a few different shapes by welding this particular piece. Winter was coming up, I knew a snowflake could be made out of this part, and a snowflake is only straight lines so no curves were needed.

I started by sketching out 2 different designs. I wanted to choose the flats design because I was afraid to weld the corners design. The corners design means id have to weld 3 edges together. However, I thought the corners design looked better so that’s what I ultimately chose.

Before i could start cutting parts and welding, i would need to figure out how long to make each part. Since the Lights I planned on putting inside came in 2″ increments, i know i would have to cut each part in the same 2″ increments.

such a quick and dirty sketch, “=equal” constraints would have been cleaner than the Σdimensions
When I was done taking my photos and showing my friends, I gave the snowflake to Dragana, the HR lady at work. I knew she would love it and display it for the office to add some winter flair. She set up this beautiful display with the holiday cards the company received.